New Developments
- 05/01/96: Tom gets PARANOID, Changes PGP key!
- 05/01/96: New article by Dr. Michael Persinger, talks about world-wide EMF influence!
- 04/08/96: News from the author New section in the table of contents.
- 04/08/96: Ed Light renames his site!Freedom of Thought Foundation page becomes Mind Control Forum
- 04/08/96: Mind/Body Resources: In Veterans' section
- 01/21/96: SITPCRA: Address & Phone added!
- 01/21/96: CIA NAMEBASE: HTML search link added.
- 01/10/96: Limited Research & Investigative services available to 'veterans'
- 01/09/96: New 'comments' area in FEEDBACK SORRY! CLOSED FOR TECHNICAL REASONS
- 01/08/96: Ritual Abuse Home Page
- 01/08/96: SITPCRA: New name, Next conference date
- 01/08/96: New book listing by Noblitt & Perskin, SITPCRA founders
- 01/08/96: Article on Mind Control by Robert Lingenfelter
- 01/08/96: Lyn Buchanan, CIA/Military RV'er has WEB page
- 01/08/96: Lyn Buchannan's new address
- 01/08/96: Mind-Matter Unification Project at Cambridge, headed by Professor Brian Josephson
- 01/08/96: False Memory Syndrome Foundation home page !!??@@
- 01/08/96: Mind Trek, by Joseph McMoneagle, new book in annotated bibliography
- 01/08/96: Toiling WEB page author becomes World Famous Author! Shameless self aggrandizement!
- 12/17/95: Project Monarch Veteran Cathy O'Brien
- 12/17/95: Books of interest to Veterans!
- 12/17/95: Histamine Responses page now active!
- 12/17/95: New items in Contributions by Veterans
- 12/17/95: New Link to Church of Scientology Exposes
The History of COS deserves review. Hubbard was one of the first to mention Drug/Pain/Hypnosis combination for programming. Hubbard had many ties to govt. & ceremonial magic crowds.
- 12/17/95: The Wounded Healer Finally, link to resouces for "Veterans" This goes directly to this fine site.
- 12/13/95: Use of telepathic Morse Code to talk to 'boomers'
- 12/13/95: Article on the Death of Pat Price, SRI RV'er
- 12/13/95: Ingo Swann on CIA ESP research and the 'Psychic Gap'
Swann was a big player in the SRI reseach efforts back in the '70's. He makes some very important points.
- 12/13/95: SAIC Cognitive Sciences Laboratory link, where CIA funded ESP research took place! MUST SEE
- 12/12/95: In The News! Link to AP story
- 12/12/95: Other Related Links
- 12/09/95: Contributions by Veterans
- 12/07/95: Veteran's Corner!
- 12/06/95: New books added to Bibliography
- 12/06/95: Link to text of "The Controllers"